"I don't know about you,
but I just got a strong whiff of a veggie burrito."
"Where is that smell coming from?"
"It smells delicious. I think I might also
be smelling a hint of cilantro in the air."
"Smokin soy balls, is that a burrito?"
"Did you just pull a burrito out of your backpack?"
"Don't even think about it Bruce.
That is my burrito."
"Just kidding. I'll share with you.
Burrito time!
Put it in my mouth!"
"Will you be pulling a Slurpee out of your backpack
anytime soon? I got really, really parched after that burrito."
"I could really go for a Big Gulp right about now."
"Show us another backpack magic trick. Now!"
We hope you are having a super sexy week!