Wednesday, February 19, 2014

He Has Made Tremendous Progress With His Butt Squats

Just kidding!
Bruce would never do butt squats. Bruce prefers to do
what he calls, butt sits. He sits on the bed, and he soaks up
the sun as it streams through the window.

"I don't know what I look like through your camera lens, 
but I feel super man sexy today.
Man sexy I tell you!"

"When the sun hits my face, it really brings out my eye.
 My eye and my chest muscles."

"Do you see what I am doing right now?
I am puffing out my chest muscles."

"I puffed out my chest muscles at the Seattle Pug Meetup 
a few weeks ago. Here is a picture of me puffing out my muscles
 at the Meetup. All the ladies were running."

"Running away from me that is. I think my muscles 
scared them off. Some ladies just can't handle my muscles."

"One day, I will find a lady who can handle my muscles."

But right now, I am going to ponder the meaning of burritos.
Burritos and muscle t-shirts."

We hope you are having a great week!


stellaroselong said...

Oh my gosh we laughed and laughed....we have those kinda muscles to at our house....
stella rose

Payton's mom said...

Bruce, I wouldn't run away from your sexy man muscles!

Noodles said...

You sure make sun-sitting sexy!
Love Noodles

Unknown said...

Very sexy Bruce !

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your looking very very sexy Mr Bruce!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Bruce, we love men with muscles, run our way please!

Meredith & Scarlet

Chfnman said...

Clearly you are a "man's man!"


Elgor82 said...

You are definitely one SEXY man-pug, Bruce!

Love Zoe, Liberty & Whitney