Thank you so much for the Birthday messages!
I had such a great day, and your posts made my day
even better!
Daisy didn't fart on my cake, but she did try and dive
head first into the frosting to get a little taste.
Daisy loves parties, so I am already starting to
plan her June Gotcha Day! I am hoping to find
a dog bakery that can bake her a little
sexy pug cake.
"What? I wanted a little taste!"
With all the excitement of this week, Daisy will probably
take the weekend to relax with her bone, and make some
new friends at the dog park.
"Point me in the direction of the man pugs please."
"I want you to take 355 photos of me with my bone.
It is very important you get my sexy side when taking
these photos."
"When I chew on my bone, I think about a lot of things.
For instance, what is the longest pug fart on record?
How loud was it? And, if there is a record, can that
record be broken with practice?"
"I need a personal moment right now. I need to
go practice my gas clouds."
"I am hiding behind my bone right now because I
told you I need a personal moment!"
"Alright, I'll take a nap, and when I wake up I would like
exactly 18 cheese puffs waiting for me, with a glass of slightly
chilled purified water."
What are your plans for this weekend?
Whew. Practicing gas clouds and chewing on bones is EXHAUSTING. It's a good thing you took a nap.
We're having a party tomorrow for a friend. They are going to be lots of little kids here. We're going to lick them until they scream for mercy. And we may even practice a few gas clouds of our own.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Daisy, you're the cutest girlie pug I know...I don't care how many gas clouds you pass! Please tell your Mommy to give you 27 kisses from me and my two man pugs (that's 9 from each one of us, lol).
We don't have any plans for this weekend, just relaxing and doing as little as possible :) After all, that's what pugs do best when they're not passing gas.
hu hu's
'dat first pho-toes of yous cracked me up!
hey- me wanted to wish yous Momma a happy b-lated birfdays!!
If me had a wig me might sing- me me not have one either
have a good week and save yous gasses for 'da car when windows are rolled up- hu hu's
Anakin Man
Once again your post has made us smile - gas clouds,,
oh my gosh
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