Hey everyone!
Penny and I hope you are having a great weekend!
Penny and I went for a few walks before the
rain came out to play.
"This bush smells strange. Who's been man
peeing on my bush??"

"I think there's a sexy dog coming
my way. How is my fur looking?"

As you can see from these photos, sometimes I wonder who
is taking who for a walk. It's clear to me now,
that Penny walks me.
Penny is usually good about walking around our complex
without throwing a tantrum, but this weekend was
It took about 10 minutes to get Penny to walk to the front
door. Then, after I carried her down the stairs, it took
another 10 minutes to get her to move away from the
grass and start the process of a walk.
"I have done my business, now carry me
back to my palace!"

I should have videotaped her stubbornness to show our
vet how hard it can be to get Penny to exercise.
If she's not walking toward whipped cream,
the walks can be extra difficult.
If Penny does not feel like
taking a walk, she does
not walk.
"Stop being so lazy! I don't want to hear
you complain, or say anything about my
beefy pug size."

"Put some human muscle into it!"

If we are in the middle of the street and Penny doesn't
feel like going any further, I have to carry her back home.
I can't really blame her. I have spoiled her for so
long, and called her sexy, that now, she tells
me when we go for walks. And she makes me
carry her.
"Does this angle make my rolls look big?"

Do any of you carry your pugs when they don't
feel like going any further? At least the
humans get a little exercise!