Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Wake Me Up

Hi Everyone!

Penny and I started our day off really early this morning.
We headed out, and drove to the airport for a passenger drop
off. We drove through the tangle of cab drivers and pedestrians,
and finally got home without a ticket, or hitting someone
whoohoo! If you're wondering why I am so proud of this,
you have never been in the car with me. I would
rather run 5 miles, than drive somewhere.
I don't like it at all. It's not one
of my strong suites.
Sumo wrestling is.

However, I am Penny's personal driver and assistant,
so I have to get over what I want. It's always what
Penny wants. She would never walk to Starbucks.

"You didn't think I woke up looking this sexy
did you? This kind of sexy takes some prep work.
Don't ever wake me up that early again, or
you will have to buy me an unlimited
supply of whipped cream. You will
also have to spoon feed it to me...
with a really big spoon."

Do any of you feel the same way about mornings?


Becky said...

I'm not an early morning person either. Never have been really but had to because of my job. When I get another job I would prefer to work evenings I think. Penny is very lucky to have you as her personal driver!

Kelly said...

Penny, I am NOT a morning person either! I peak right when mom and dad want to go to bed! hehehe!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Penny
Mom hates mornings. But I love mornings. BECAUSE i get food!
I will do anything for food.
In fact, I am moms alarm clock of when to get up.
I do believe you need more whipped cream

Archie and Melissa said...

or morning is made just by seeing your sexy face penny!
m & e

Arlo The Pug said...

Arlo and I are sooo not morning people! I hate getting up early and I love that pugs are sleep in kind of dogs! lol. Stay sexy, Penny!
Love, Arlo's mom