I want to introduce you to a new form of yoga that is
sweeping the nation. It's called sexy pug yoga, and Daisy is
going to show you a few of her favorite poses.
"Okay. Are you ready? I want you to clear your mind. If you
feel like breaking wind during any of these poses, that's okay."
"Head up and just stretch that neck like nobody's business.
I like to put put my foot out to the side for these poses,
mainly just because it feels good."
"Turn your head to the side, and just pretend like you
are not listening to what's going on around you. I usually
don't have to pretend, because I don't listen unless
someone is telling me it's dinner time."
"This pose is one is my favorites. It's called the peeping Tom."
"It's very important to get as low to the ground as possible for
this pose. You don't want anyone to see you looking through
the window."
"And come back up."
"And go back down."
"You can even lie down at this point. Take a nap if you want."
"This is the easiest pose for me. Tuck your lip in
a little, and give some major attitude."
"And Namaste."
Daisy and I hope you have a great Monday!