Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm Thankful For My Sexiness And My Tofurky

Hi Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Smokin soy nuggets, is this all for Thanksgiving?
Can I have a taste of some of this right now?
I promise I won't double dip my tongue
in any of it."

"Hmm a Tofurky. What do you mean you're a vegetarian?"

"I'm not sure about this. Where is that Cool Whip
you promised me?"

"I have a question. How is it possible to fit
a whole feast in this box? Also, is there any dessert
in the box?"

"Does this mean that grandma won't be secretly sneaking
me small pieces of turkey under the table? Did grandma tell you
that earlier, she almost dropped the Tofurky on my head??"

"I'm just going to push the box away a little
with my foot."

Daisy and I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving!


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

It totally looks like she is pushing the box away in the last picture!

Dasiy we got Turkey dog food for thanksgiving...we think that tofurky is better than what we got.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Southern Fried Pugs said...

Stick with the whippy cream, Daisy. Much more fulfilling.
Happy Tofurky Day?!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Hehehe hope you enjoyed your Tofurkey!!!!

~The Monster Crew

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your not going to believe this,,
we have the very same Tofurky.

Thank goodness my dog food is not made of it....
You are toooo cute in your photos!

Happy Thanksgiving