Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday Kitchen Talk With Daisy

Hi Everyone!

Can you keep an intense Thursday pug secret?

Sometimes at night, when no one is around,
I slip into the corner of the kitchen, and inhale
the crumbs on the floor that trickled out of the cheeto bag.
When everyone wakes up, I mysteriously have orange
on my face.

"What are you talking about I say?
The color orange doesn't even exist.
You must be seeing things. Perhaps you
are overwhelmed by the heat."

I have no shame. I am a sexy rescue.
There is no time for shame, only fun.

What is everyone going to be doing
for the 4th of July Weekend?


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Mmmmm cheeto dust! We know you are sleep crumb eating Daisy. Stay cool this weekend we saw its in the 100's today there!

Sequoia and Tuni

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Mommy note:

Daisy - you are too cute!! That's it!! I may just have to Pugnap you!!
Orange face and all!!! :)
xoxoxo Pugga Momma

Geesh Mommy always be embarrassing us!! WHATEVER!!
You is pretty cutes!! We can just pictures yous sneaking 'round at nite whens all is sounds and sleepy sleeps..
Eating 'dem cheetos!!
Yous funny Girl!!

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Mommy note:

Daisy - you are too cute!! That's it!! I may just have to Pugnap you!!
Orange face and all!!! :)
xoxoxo Pugga Momma

Geesh Mommy always be embarrassing us!! WHATEVER!!
You is pretty cutes!! We can just pictures yous sneaking 'round at nite whens all is sounds and sleepy sleeps..
Eating 'dem cheetos!!
Yous funny Girl!!

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Kitty+Coco said...

Excuse me, but is the momma really COPLAINING about you cleaning up her cheeto dust mess? If one wouldn't be so irresponsible to leave a mess in the floor, a beefy pug wouldn't have the responsibility to clean it up.

We love cheeto crumbs, dorito residue and cracker crumblies.

Sighs (Kitty) and Snorts (Coco)

Puglette said...

geesh! humans and their halucinations. we will be spending a quiet day at home, hubby has hernia surgery tomorrow. :o( charlie has agility with her grandma all weekend.
have fun!

Stubby said...

Hi Daisy! Your secret is safe with me. I used to lick all the bacon grease off the stove when I was little and no one could ever figure it out. Did I get credit for helping clean the kitchen? Nooooo!

I am still on restricted exercise so I plan on chillaxin' this weekend. And eating of course because that's what I do on the holidays!

Stubby xoxo

Arlo The Pug said...

Daisy, you are so super sexy! your secret is safe with me! I bet you look even sexier with cheeto dust on your face. The orange brings out the color of your eyes! Hope you have a great weekend! Love, Arlo

Adventures of two Indianapolis Girls said...

Started with a puppy cup from Starbucks (oh my.....)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I know the orange cheeto crumbs on your lips will make you that much more sexy- if that is possible,
I know those little orange lips are soooo kissable
and you are soooo cutables
tee hee hee