Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm Feeling Better. Please Bring Me My Whipped Cream!

Penny is feeling better today! She spent most of the
afternoon barking at the guys in our condo who
were here to replace our water heater.
We woke up this morning to find we
didn't have hot water! Penny
can’t be expected to take
a cold bath!

She is up and playing with her toys. She even felt like
posing for a photo! She'll probably spend this
weekend eating whipped cream, watching
cartoons and going for a few walks
while she's on the mend from
this sickness. We hope
everyone has a great


Harry Pugalicious said...

I's so happy you's feeling better! Hope you gets our whipped cream soon!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Its nice to see you feeling betters Penny!

Winston Wilbur said...

We are so glad to hear you are feeling better. It does give our humans a scare when we don't feel well. Phew thank goodness things are on the mend.


Salinger The Pug said...

THERE she is....back to her sexy self!!!!

Work it girl!


Archie and Melissa said...

yay penny!

we are so happy happy happy that you are feeling so much better!

we have sent you some chicken noodle soup with whippy cream on top!

m & e

Nevis said...

Glad Penny is feeling better! We love you Pennies!!!!!!